New Breed Development

WOE type or Pied auto-sexing development breed

Within the white Embden flock from Les Simone were geese that presented with grey patterning. We're passionate about genetics here at Nicolstoke Farm and after talks with Les we were presented with a unique opportunity to develop a novel auto-sexing breed variety here in Australia, similar to that of West of England or Shetland geese in the UK but as a moderate-heavy goose with great meat utility.  The female we currently have weighs 8+kg and is incredibly stout with a strong head and neck and a beautiful swan-like arch. We believe she is hemizygous for autosexing dilution with two recessive spotting genes (Sd i/-,sp/sp).  To make this work we hope that our current Embden gander has at least one sex-linked less intense dilution gene, meaning 50% of the geese and ganders from this pairing could maintain this autosexing trait. Within Australia, there is currently only one autosexing breed (Australian Settlers) so it would be great to produce an autosexing variety that maintains the Embden's meat production utility and could be exhibited as a heavier breed. Colour traits to maintain would be the sex-linked signs in females of spotting including whiting on the head, neck, and breast, as well as the white flight feathers with grey covering on the back, and coverts. Ganders should then present similar to Australian Settler or Pilgrim ganders whereby they are predominantly white with some pale greying likely on their coverts, rump, and back (indicating two lower intensity sex-linked dilution genes and two recessive grey spotting genes - Sd i/Sd i, sp/sp).