
Nicolstoke Embdens

In 2024 we added some Embden geese to our breeding program. Our hope with these geese is to not only develop an exhibition flock but to also produce a commercially viable meat bird that can be dressed and quartered for more general access to this fantastic meat! We aim to meet the Australian standard with this heavy goose breed and produce geese around 8-9kg and ganders up to 10+kg in the more British style of the breed. Our Embden flock currently consists of genetics from breeder Les Simone. 

Embden Geese

Embden geese are one of the oldest standardised goose breeds and have been widely exported for use both in exhibition and commercially. They are the heaviest white goose breed and the oldest domesticated German goose breed with origins believed to date back to the 13th century. Due to the age of this breed and its wide exportation, there are distinct differences in breed styles. For instance; a German-style Embden is a large, very tall, and more slender bird while a UK-style Embden is a stouter bird that displays broader and stronger features in the head, neck, and width and breadth of breast. Within the US and UK commercial flocks have seen these birds become the heaviest breed of goose, with some ganders recorded at up to 15+kg. Within Australia, exhibition quality birds require a strong stout head, bill, and a strong but swan-like neck. As these are a meat utility breed they should have a prominent, broad, and full breast without a keel, and a full paunch. Similarly, in keeping with the British style, they should not be too leggy but also not so short in leg that it impairs their movement. Despite their size, they are generally good layers and will brood well. They may produce up to 60 eggs per year.